Peach Sunrise Smoothie

I love my mom. Caleb and I look forward to her weekly visits. My hubby was out of town for two nights this week, so she spent one of those nights here with us to keep us company. She brought with her some fresh local peaches and I just had to share this recipe for a special breakfast treat that we concocted. We like to call it, 'Peach Sunrise Smoothie'! Only a few weeks left (if that) to enjoy fresh peaches, but you can freeze them and be able to enjoy this smoothie year-round. I forgot to take a picture as I was in a hurry to drink it, but here's a picture of my mom enjoying some time with Caleb :)

2 ripe peaches with skins removed, sliced
1 container peach Greek yogurt (6 oz.)
2 cups ice
1/4-1/2 cup Silk Vanilla Pure Coconut milk (or whatever kind of milk you prefer in smoothies)
1-2 Tbsp. honey

In a blender, combine sliced peaches, Greek yogurt and ice. Blend.

Add enough milk to make it smoothie-consistency and sweeten with honey, if desired.

*Makes 2 delicious smoothies.


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